
The aging generation of business operators presents a unique opportunity for private equity investment, as their decades of experience and established networks offer the potential for growth and profitability. By stepping in to modernize and streamline these mature businesses, private equity can create long-term value and drive economic development.

Our thesis isn’t necessarily novel. But it is substantiated by data and very pragmatic. A few data points to consider.

  • In 2014 small businesses represented $5.9T of the US GDP (source)

  • As 0f 2018 small businesses were 44% of the US GDP and that’s down from 48% (source).

  • According to the SBA as of 2021 there were 33.2M small businesses making up 99.9 percent of US businesses. These companies employed 61.7M people which was 46% of all US employees (source//

GEM Capital Partners was started to help businesses continue to sell their products and services well into the future. We’re excited about the opportunity to help transform your business and move your business into the next phase.